Hello! I'm Keith Groover. I'm a guitarist, inventor, guitar teacher, and creator of one cheap-looking website (this one).
email address: keith@keithgroover.com
phone number: 864-735-7487
I designed an award-winning instrument called The Glide.
Check it out (and buy one!) here: http://theglide.com
YouTube -- youtube.com/theglide
TikTok -- tiktok.com/@keithgroover
Instagram -- instagram.com/haveaglide
Facebook -- facebook.com/haveaglide
My main musical outlet is the cello/guitar duo WireWood, with cellist Laura Koelle. Here's our webpage, and our facebook, instagram, youtube, and twitter pages. Book us by emailing wirewoodmusic@gmail.com.
I live in Spartanburg with my wife Annie Groover (she's the manager of the Hub City Bookshop) and three of our four daughters (the oldest has flown the coop.) We love Spartanburg, and you would too.